welcome to the list of trash players!
For my own records and venting, I will record a list of trash players who I have encountered. This keeps me sane. If I meet these players again I will dodge, because they either play terribly or have terrible attitudes.
If you are on this list, I hate you. I probably blocked you halfway through the game but still hated you enough to put your name here. There are many things I wish I could say/do to you but I will just let the frustration dissolve as time passes.
- theboomerangguy: terrible attitude, called teammates faggots
- instantGritz: feeds and argues with feeding adc who fed more. http://www.twitch.tv/instantgritz
- ImortalIgnorance: feeds and argues with feeding jungle who fed more
- west1208: cannot position to save his life. 1v1 full health assasins when he is half health.
- Ntika: trash support. 1v1s adc and ults to escape. (sona)
- EPNarishma: 1v4 all day all night and loses.
- Bersh93: refused to buy sightstone or wards as support. Sat in brush and did nothing.
- Zefar: fed and blamed everyone else.
- Bangbangpewpewx3: HEY GUYS, WATCH ME TRASH THIS TRYND. Proceeds to feed hard (1/9) in lane and blamed everyone else for every little mistake.